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The Weekend Refuel Newsletter for 9/2/23

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Labor Day weekend and college football is upon us! It’s the perfect time of year for grilling. Unfortunately, for people in Louisiana they’re under a strict burn ban that includes grills. The solution is electric grills, which have no fire, but still offer great flavor and experience. We covered two great electric grill options to stay safe this weekend.

If you like BBQ and whiskey (who doesn’t?) then there is a new seasoning line to try. B&G Foods has partnered with Weber and Sazerac to release Fireball, Buffalo Trace and Southern Comfort inspired flavors. I haven’t tried the seasonings yet, but Weber has a recipe for Fireball sweet potato fries that sounds pretty amazing. 

The last few years have no doubt been a challenge for grill companies. With too little inventory, then too much, a big part of overcoming the headwinds has been a solid procurement office. Vista Outdoor has done just that, as they’ve been named a Top Procurement Organization for the second year in a row.

Affiliate marketing is a tool that grill companies use to strengthen their direct-to-consumer (DTC) sales. It’s also an area that we think there’s room for improvement to be successful. We looked at what grill companies got wrong heading into this grilling season.

Finally, Solo Stove released a whole line of new accessories to compliment their Pi pizza ovens. Our favorite is the Pi Prep Board which is a bamboo cutting board, has ingredient storage, and has 12″ and 16″ circles drawn on it to help with dough stretching.


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