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Read the Latest Weekly Newsletter – The Weekend Refuel – 8/13/22

With the NFL preseason upon us, it means the kickoff of tailgating and grilling for games. Us Lions fans are looking for some of that 1957 magic, when the Weber kettle turned 5 years old and the Lions last won a championship. Maybe this is their year? Maybe not…at least the grilling is still enjoyable though.

Weber is looking for a little magic of their own with how things are going. After giving preliminary results recently in anticipation of a bad quarter, they abruptly announced they’d release quarterly earnings this coming Monday. It’ll be a good peek into the largest grill company and the overall grill market.

Traeger released their earnings earlier this week and they were short of their forecast, as expected. More details were released on their cost cuts, which included a 14% reduction on workforce. They hope to free up an additional $20 million of earnings on an annualized basis.

Miller Lite did another grilling related PR campaign that kicked-off this week. Previously they released Beercoal, now they have a “grill share” program in Chicago and NYC. PR firm DDB Chicago is coming up with some creative marketing ideas for them.

If Beercoal doesn’t give you the right flavors, maybe Kingsford Signature Flavors will. We took a look at how that product came to be earlier this year. Interestingly enough, the flavored briquettes don’t contain any char or coal.

Also this week we took a look at the Pit Boss Lexington pellet grill. It’s a good value at $300 with a PID controller and 2 meat probe ports.

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