HomeGrill ManufacturersOklahoma Joe's Teases a New Gravity Fed Smart Charcoal Grill
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Oklahoma Joe’s Teases a New Gravity Fed Smart Charcoal Grill

Oklahoma Joe’s has released some really neat charcoal grills recently. From their half barrel style cooker to their Centerbox Smoker, they’re bringing the smoke. They appear to be continuing this trend because they teased the release of a new smart grill that features a gravity fed charcoal hopper.

According to an Instagram post that they put up, the new grill will be released on January 8th, 2024, so it’s right around the corner. It looks very similar to their Rider pellet grills, so much so that at first glance, I thought it was a new Rider.

Later in the video though, you clearly see them load charcoal into the hopper instead of pellets.

For those not familiar with a gravity fed charcoal grill, you operate it like a pellet grill. You set the temperature on the controller, light the charcoal, and then let an onboard fan do all the work.

We’re excited to see Oklahoma Joe’s bring another gravity fed charcoal grill to the market to compete with the Gravity Series from Masterbuilt. Check back when the grill is released and we’ll have all the details.


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