HomeGrill ManufacturersNew Oklahoma Joe's Tahoma Auto Charcoal Grill isn't Fair to Other Grills
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New Oklahoma Joe’s Tahoma Auto Charcoal Grill isn’t Fair to Other Grills

Oklahoma Joe’s just released a new version of the Tahoma grill that makes it incredibly easy to make great barbecue. For anyone that thinks a pellet grill doesn’t make enough smoke, but likes the convenience, this is the grill for you.

It has some big upgrades on the previous version, so you just have to load charcoal, set the temperature and you’re pretty much done. On top of the performance upgrades, it also got couple minor styling changes that really hit the mark.

Beyond the upgrades, it’s the same great design as the previous model. Much like any charcoal grill, it controls the temperature by adjusting airflow. Unlike a manual grill that you have to tend to the vents, there’s a controller on this grill hooked up to a fan that does all the work automatically.

Features and Specs

  • Comes in two versions, the Tahoma 900A DLX which retails for $799.99 (check price – they run sales), and the Tahoma 1200A DLX which retails for $899 (check price)
  • The 900A has 900 square inches of cooking space while the 1200A has 1200
  • Temperature range of 225 degrees F to 600 degrees F for smoking, grilling and everything in-between
  • Improved temperature control
  • Control the temperature on the backlit LCD screen or wirelessly on your phone with the Oklahoma Joe’s app
  • 16-pound charcoal hopper for up to 13 hours of continuous cooking
  • Wraparound shelf for lots of prep space
  • Includes two temperature probes to monitor you food
  • Removable ash pan and grease tray for easy cleaning


The biggest upgrade with the new version is it has auto-ignition. That means no messing with fire starters to get it going, you just set the temperature, and the grill does the rest for you. That’s a much easier process than the previous model.

Oklahoma Joe's Tahoma 1200A DLX Charcoal Grill - Auto-Ignition
Oklahoma Joe’s Tahoma 1200A DLX Charcoal Grill – Auto-Ignition

Choke Out the Fire

I don’t see this called out in the specs, but it looks like the new Tahoma A models has a plate that you can slide into the grill between the fan and the charcoal. A complaint with the previous model was that you had to burn out your charcoal left in the hopper.

With the plate, you wouldn’t have to do that anymore. When you’re done cooking you slide the plate back in and it will choke off the air to the charcoal, so you can use it again next time.

Cooking on the OKJ Tahoma 1200A DLX Charcoal Grill
Cooking on the OKJ Tahoma 1200A DLX Charcoal Grill

Great Value

Per usual with Oklahoma Joe’s products, the new Tahoma smoker offers great value. It’s $799 for the 900A, which has a ton of space even for a large family. There’s not much more that you could ask for from a grill at this price point.


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