HomeGrill ManufacturersIs Charbroil Developing an Electric Grill that Can Use Charcoal Too?
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Is Charbroil Developing an Electric Grill that Can Use Charcoal Too?

Charbroil and the other grill brands under W.C. Bradley Co. are all about cooking versatility. They understand that the consumer is looking to be able to cook many different types of food with the same or even multiple grills.

That’s very apparent with the Commercial Series gas grill that also has a griddle. It can even cook with charcoal with its Gas2Coal technology, which you can buy as a separate accessory.

Charbroil Commercial Series Gas Grill - Gas2Coal Charcoal Tray
Charbroil Commercial Series Gas Grill – Gas2Coal Charcoal Tray

For those that want to, or have to, cook with electric power, Current Backyard (another W.C. Bradley Co. brand) has you covered. They have the most innovative electric grill on the market right now.

The Current Backyard Model G is my go-to for when I want to grill, but I also want it to be quick and easy. There’s no running out of propane, or waiting for charcoal, you just plug it in and off you go.


The Model G is a steak and burger cooking machine, but it’s capable of cooking just like a gas grill. In fact, I’ve had some fun with it and cooked some ribs with a smoker box to add a little more flavor.

W.C. Bradley may be working on a much more streamlined method of adding flavor that would completely transform electric grilling. They filed for the trademark Electric2Coal which has perked my interest.

I don’t think it’s a big leap to assume that Electric2Coal would be similar to Gas2Coal. If it is, then it’s likely metal trays that you fill with charcoal to use in an electric grill.

What would be exciting about that is it adds versatility to their electric grills. Much like on their gas grills, if sometimes you want to trade off the convenience of gas for more flavor, you can do it without needing another grill.

It also would help be a softer transition for consumers into electric grilling. Charcoal grilling is much more familiar, so the fact that it can do both could be very appealing.

Electric Grill Innovation

If Electric2Coal does make it to market, I’ll be curious to see where it fits within W.C. Bradley Co. The name of the product makes me think it will be with Charbroil, much like Gas2Coal. Charbroil also has a great electric grill in the EDGE.

It could also obviously fit with Current Backyard, being an innovative electric grill brand. I would think that’s less likely though because of who they are marketing their products to.

Regardless of where it ends up though, it’s just the latest way that W.C. Bradley’s grill brands are innovating with electric grills. They also have patents for other ideas like induction cooking.

We’ll see if adoption rates keep increasing for electric grills. If they do, there’s no other companies out there that are innovating in that space like W.C. Bradley. It’s easy to see them becoming the dominant player of that market as it matures.

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