HomeGrill ManufacturersChar-Broil is Bundling a Griddle with a Grill for a Discount
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Char-Broil is Bundling a Griddle with a Grill for a Discount

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Grills and griddles offer different cooking experiences and applications. There’s also a good chance that if you own a griddle, you’ll also own a conventional grill. Char-Broil is aware of this, and is making the ownership journey easier by bundling them together for a discounted price.

On Char-Broil’s website they are offering their EDGE electric grill, bundled with a 4-burner gas griddle, and a cover for each. The price for the grills bundled together is $939.17 (check price), a discount from $1,373.97 if you bought them separately.

It’s a smart idea by Char-Broil not only because it makes it easier for consumers to buy both grills, but it helps with adoption of their EDGE grill.

The EDGE is a first of its kind, stand-alone, electric grill. We reviewed it and were impressed with its performance and the food it produced.

Getting people to try an electric grill though is difficult, because of the perception that electric grills don’t work well. By bundling a griddle with it, there’s a built-in safety net by having another outdoor cooking product on stand-by.

Likewise, it’s hard for any manufacturer to contend with the griddle market dominance of Blackstone. More Char-Broil griddle adopters is a good thing for them, making the bundle a win-win.

We’ll see if any other manufacturers follow suit. Traeger and Weber both recently brought griddles to market and have grill offerings that would pair well in a bundle.


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