If you purchased or exchanged an AmeriGas Exchange 20 lb propane tank for a grill in the Southern & Central New Hampshire and Eastern Massachusetts (Boston Metropolitan) area between the dates of July 27, 2023 – August 2, 2023 you should check your cylinder.
Look on the collar at the top of the tank by the valve for some markings. If it says EVAS-M0859 then you should return your cylinder to where you bought it. Cylinders from other dates or with other markings are fine to use.

While AmeriGas doesn’t manufacture the cylinders, they are issuing a voluntary safety recall. The defect that they identified is the valve can leak after it’s disconnected from a grill, but only if you forget to close the tank.
If you have any questions, you can contact the AmeriGas dedicated recal taskforce at 844-881-1296 or via email at [email protected].